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Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Cottage Nursery and Preschools is a company committed to creating business growth whilst ensuring that impact on the environment is minimised and that all activities are conducted safely by well-trained and qualified employees. We further aim to support community project that are carefully selected and supported.

The following summarises our policies and procedures.

Overall responsibility for developing corporate policies on social, ethical and environmental matters and for reviewing their effectiveness lies with the Board of Directors. It is then the responsibility of individual managers to communicate and apply that policy within their particular nurseries and preschools to ensure compliance with the policy and to maintain, review and refine procedures accordingly.

Our policies and procedures, including those relating to social, environmental, health and safety, employment and ethical matters, are communicated to all staff via the induction training and internal communications All policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and any updates are communicated to staff.

The three key areas of corporate social responsibility are:


We are committed to adopting environmentally responsible policies; our environmental responsibility statement is shown below:

The Cottage Nursery and Preschools recognises the need for sustainable development and continually aims to improve the environmental effect of its activities. To achieve this we will establish sound environmental management by:

  1. Consider environmental issues in the decision making process.
  2. Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors so that we all recognise our environmental responsibilities.
  3. Educating staff so that they carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
  4. Promoting an appreciation of the company's environmental performance among customer, staff and the general public.

We ensure we are providing for the effective use of resources by:

  1. Advising staff on the efficient use of energy and other utilities.
  2. Promoting waste minimisation by recycling or finding other uses of by-products whenever economically viable.
  3. Promoting the efficient use of resources, energy and fuel throughout the company's operations.

We will co-operate with:

  1. The communities in which we operate.
  2. The government, regulatory bodies and other interested parties with the shared vision of being a good and trusted neighbour.


Involvement in the local community is of paramount importance to us - we consider ourselves as community business being committed to businesses in the local area.

We believe that helping the local community is not just something we choose to do but is actually an important part of our business.

We understand that local businesses and communities are closely linked and that we can have a significant impact on communities as a whole.

The Cottage Nursery and Preschools endeavours to participate and support a number of national and local charities with both time and money.


The Cottage Nursery and preschools recognises its health and safety duties and responsibilities and complies with the relevant health and safety legislation.

The Board of Directors have overall responsibility for health and safety. Please see our full Health and Safety Policy for further details.


It is our policy to adhere to all legislation relating to employment rights and equal opportunities, with particular reference to non-discrimination on the basis of the Equality Act 2010.

We conduct all of our business operations in line with the Knowledge Universe Code of Conduct. This includes and expands on the following points:


The Cottage Nursery and Preschools will review this document annually and consult employees in order to evaluate this strategy and update and improve our policies on an ongoing basis.

As part of this process, we will monitor our progress against our objectives to ensure compliance and we will continue to set new objectives for the future.

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Monday - Friday: 7:30am till 6:30pm

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